"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Proverbs 31:10-12

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dreams and Wishes

I have been eying some of my friends blogs....and I'm wishing that I knew how to do some of the really cool stuff that they have on theirs. When I get more time I'd love to start uploading recipes and possibly my attempts at other exciting things. Now my computer is giving me trouble....and I should pack so This is gonna be my last post for today I think. Picture is of my kitty babies.

The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part Two ~ All That Is Good

The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part Two ~ All That Is Good
Here is the second part to the link, and thanks to Trina for her awesome blog. I love reading up on her sewing and cooking posts.

The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part One ~ All That Is Good

In my attempt at modesty, I have constantly struggled with a cami that I felt covered me in a modest way, and also didn't ride up to way past my bellybutton. Here is a link to a blog with an awesome sewing tutorial. I know as soon as I have the time I will be trying this one out.
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part One ~ All That Is Good

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Life is moving quickly...

So many things have happened in the last month especially. I can't believe that just under a month ago Derek and I decided that we were going to move back to NY. We had decided that we were going to move, regardless of whether or not Derek got the job at the Ithaca Wegmans that he had applied for. So we turned in our thirty days notice for our apartment at the beginning of May, and have been working with Wegmans to get our employment status switched to hopefully the Ithaca Wegmans. We found out shortly after that, that Derek did not get the job that he had applied for at the Ithaca Wegmans. That was a hard day. But he shortly afterwards applied for another job in NY, and we are waiting on that job now. The whole goal is for Derek to get a full time job.
So in the period of time between then and now.....some other exciting things have happened. I graduated with an associates degree from Baptist Bible College. It was fun. I may eventually go back and get my bachelors degree from someplace...but for now I AM DONE!!!!!
And now we have set our moving out date for May 28th...it is a Saturday. BTW....if any of you live in the area and want to come over and help us out....it would be greatly appreciated! So right now there are about a dozen boxes strewn around the apartment and there is newspaper sitting in piles in random places as well. Sounds like fun huh?! I personally wish I could just pack it all up now....I hate doing things little at a time, so that means I hate only being able to pack a couple of boxes every few days. But Wegmans has been great. They are the ones that have been supplying us with boxes and paper....and the best news of all, Wegmans is giving Derek and I a wonderful opportunity. June 21-24 we are going to a Grand Opening of Wegmans in Maryland. Wegmans is paying for our gas down and back, putting us up in a hotel, and they are giving us a stipend for food as well. Plus, Ive heard we will get ridiculous hours for those four days, and they may possibly want us to stay longer. So that is awesome cause we're gonna make lots of money!!!!!
I am just so excited about the opportunities that God has brought our way, and that God will continue to bring our way. So exciting.
And hopefully.....living with my parents will be relaxing and we will be able to save up a good amount of money...and that God would provide for us a place to live. But so far....He has been soooo good to us!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So the apartment is going to start looking like a whirlwind shortly. I have exactly until May 31st to get our whole apartment packed up.....so we can move. Nothing like stress huh?!
But on a good note, I finished my final for my one class today. Now I just have to graduate on Saturday and I'm officially done. Yippee!
As for the rest of the updating.....we are going to be living with my parents for awhile....and undetermined amount of time right now. But probably and as my husband says, hopefully, no longer than two months. I will enjoy that, not having to worry about the cleanliness of the whole house for once. (Listen to me...not even married a year and complaining about housework....ouch)
Well...I will update more later. I am headed to Wegmans to buy packing tape and markers........wish me luck!