Wow, it's been awhile since I've written here. I guess part of the problem would be having a broken computer. So much fills my mind tonight as I sit here, and am forced to find something to do at my parents house because the ornaments I'm making won't be done for three more hours, and the tv is playing football.
First, my life has been so full in the past couple of months. I can't explain the rush of emotions as I look back on everything that has happened. I just remember being in a place where I felt with my parents was nice yes, because we had a roof over our heads and food to eat, but it was wreaking havoc on my relationship with Derek, causing worry about our cats that would not have homes if we couldn't have an apartment soon, and boredom for lack of anything to do besides work. All I can remember is reading in my devotional book one day and learning about living a "palms up" life. As a woman, I am extremely fond of control, and tend to dislike change when it affects me. Living with my parents I didn't have control over everything, and I was fighting God every step of the way for control of whatever I could control. Maybe I couldn't control the situation surrounding my cats but I could worry about it, and cry. I absolutely had no control over our living situation but I could complain to my husband every night...and worry and stress out during the day. I could feel sorry for myself, and tell others how horrible and full of trials my life was. Then one day I read this book for my devotions and the author started talking about living a "palms up" life. She said can you literally stand before God and hold up your palms and say "everything is yours God". This idea literally shocked me. For several days I struggled with the thought of giving up my worry and fear over things that I absolutely had to worry about. I worried that if I gave Sammi, (my cat) to God, He would take her away and give her to someone else because I was in a situation where I couldn't do anything about it. I also worried that if I gave Derek to God, He might take him away. And Derek is the best thing that has ever happened to me. <3 It took a lot of inner fighting, and actually I should correct takes a lot of inner fighting but finally I was able to literally put my palms up before Christ and give Him our situation and all my fear and worries.
Not right after that day, but not long afterwards God allowed me to find our apartment, and He allowed us to rent it and now live there. It all happened so fast when I look back on it I have to shake my head. Within the space of a couple of weeks we were all moved in and moving on with our life. Now....Derek has a full-time job, I have a job that gives me 40+ hours a week, and we have our own place. We also have Sammi, and two other little kitties that fill our house with fun. =) We have money each week to pay all of our bills, and we even have enough to buy groceries every month so that we can eat.
Why come out with this big confession today? In church this morning a woman shared with the congregation her journey of faith. How she, even when she was saved felt lost and that no one could break in to her. Now I am not saying that I struggle with depression, or that I'm doing drugs or something. But I do find myself worrying constantly. My biggest fear.....(deep breath) is of what happens after I die. I'm not afraid of actually dying, I'm afraid of Heaven. I know where I'm going, (and if you get me down that path, I still struggle constantly with doubt about my faith as well), but not being with Derek, living forever, the not scares me to death. (ha ha comic relief). I literally get short of breath and creep out when pastors preach about it or anytime I think about it. And how many people know this? My husband. I guess my fear, the way I'm lost, is how I'm struggling to hold up my biggest fear and give it along with all my worries to Christ. And even as I write this I mentally have my hands uplifted, tears on my heart, as I today give my worries to Christ. And tomorrow as I give them again, and the day after that, and the day after that.................
"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life." Proverbs 31:10-12
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
So Much!!!!!
Second bedroom |
Partial view of Master Bedroom |
Livingroom view |
I have also been discovering, that I am appreciating more and more doing things for me and my husband. Like making growing vegetables that we can eat, freezing and canning food for the winter, doing our laundry and making things that we can use. I LOVE IT! God really is giving me the attitude of a housewife. I think that is just amazing, because when we lived in Scranton, right after we got married, I struggled with having an attitude of wanting to clean and cook and take care of my husband. Perhaps part of God's plan in having us here with my parents was to get me to long for all those things that I didn't enjoy doing before! He has such a sense of humor.
Front of the house |
A friend of mine just gave me an Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer. I love it so much. It makes one of my favorite jobs, (baking apple pies) so much easier. It literally cuts out half of my work. Now if only they could come up with a machine that could make the crust.........
Unfortunately, I don't have a way to tape this thing in action, cause that would be so cool to post here! Anyways, I used this fancy new machine to make two apple pies last night. (My family is so gonna miss me when I move out!) It is somehow so relaxing to me to come home from work and cook and bake. I love the fact that I can do so many things at once in the kitchen and they all turn out fantastic!!!!! So just in case you were wondering, here is the recipe I used.
1 cup Sugar
2 tablespoons flour
6 cups thinly sliced, peeled cooking apples (I used 9 apples)
Pastry for single-crust pie
1/2 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 cup butter
Combine 1/2 cup of the sugar, and the 2 tablespoons four. Sprinkle apple slices with the sugar mixture and toss to coat. Fill a pastry-lined 9-inch pie plate with apple mixture. Combine remaining 1/2 cup sugar, the 1/2 cup flour, and the spices. Cut in the butter until crumbly; sprinkle mixture atop apples. Cover edge of pie with foil. Bake in a 375 oven for 30 minutes. Remove foil; bake for 30 minutes more or till topping is golden.
Use a pastry blender to cut 2/3 cup shortening into 1 2/3 cups flour. Stir in 1/4 cup water with a fork. Roll out on floured board.
So that was all the fun I had last night, and today my family is reaping the benefits of having a Sarah who loves to bake. The other fun I had last night was playing with my kitty Sammi. Sammi was a wedding present from one of our groomsmen, and she has been with us since the day we got married. She was then only 5 weeks old and so tiny!!!! Today she is a bundle of energetic insaneness. Her favorite pastime being torturing my parent's dog.
Duncan looking so depressed... |
I want to end my post with a couple of thoughts from work.....first the serious one.
I was standing there....munching on a chip, and a really good one at that. This guy approaches, one that I know from work, see him all the time. He says "Why is it that the skinny ones are always stuffing their faces? And yet they get no fatter." I just laugh. Then he says, "That's why I don't believe in a god, it just isn't fair." I was speechless. What am I supposed to say to that?!
Now the funny one....
"Have you heard the one about spinach and boogers? Kids won't eat the spinach."
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Blessings and Updates
Today turned out to be totally different than I expected. In a wonderfully awesome way. It all started this morning when we drove all the way to Scranton, PA to get our Sammi back. (Sammi is our cat.) Since our friends who were keeping her for us are moving to Ohio we decided that it was time to take her back. Then we came home and enjoyed a wonderful lunch with my family. One of the few times that we actually all get to sit down together and eat. Then I decided that since I've worked for 15 days straight without a day off, I needed one. So I called in to work today and decided to stay home. I'm so glad I did.
Since I didn't go to work, Derek, myself and my parents were able to go and look at this apartment that we've been seriously considering. Then after going to see it, and dreaming a lot, we made our final decision. WE ARE GOING TO GET THE APARTMENT!!!!!! YAY!
Then tonight we hung out with some really good friends. Today was such a blessing. Being able to relax and not having to work until 3 am....really settles the stress level.
Since I didn't go to work, Derek, myself and my parents were able to go and look at this apartment that we've been seriously considering. Then after going to see it, and dreaming a lot, we made our final decision. WE ARE GOING TO GET THE APARTMENT!!!!!! YAY!
Then tonight we hung out with some really good friends. Today was such a blessing. Being able to relax and not having to work until 3 am....really settles the stress level.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
So Tired....
Today I just can't seem to get past how tired I am. I literally stood in the shower and tried not to cry. That's how tired I am. But at the same time I praise the Lord for how He helps me to see things. For the whole 30 minutes I stood in the shower bemoaning my life, wondering why it has to be like this, why I have to be so tired, now I'm sitting here and all I can think about is, i'm so tired, but it feels good. I have this accomplished feeling that one gets from working hard all day, and knowing that I will be working hard again tomorrow. True, some moments I feel like I can't continue knowing that I work every single day of the week. At times I am so so jealous of Derek who gets days off and just lays around. (Which is totally what I would do......) But at the same time. I am so thankful that God has provided me with work, so that we can save up to have things that we dream about all the time.
At some point, when I cease to be tired, and I have time to seriously sit down and do this, I am going to put a whole post about my "Truffle Dips". I created them from a suggestion, people have raved about them, and I decided to try and market them. They are a lot of work, but totally worth it. They are heavenly good!!!!! And yesterday, because of a really good friend, I sold 36 of them!!!!!! That is such a big praise. I will totally jump on any chance to make any extra money possible. So exciting!!!!!!
This brings me to something else that I am thankful for. Great and Awesome friends. God provides them in the strangest places, and sometimes in people that we never thought possible to be friends with, and God uses them to bless and encourage us. God has used my best friend Katherine to be such a blessing to me. I love how we can be miles and miles apart, go without seeing each other for almost a year, and still be able to be blessed by one another. Her radiating Christ in everything she does is such an encouragement to me. Thank you Lord for such a good friend. Her mother is such a blessing as well. She cares so much about everything and I know that she prays for me every day. Such little things like that, touch my heart so much!!!!!!
Oh! And before I forget. Another praise. We looked at an apartment several weeks ago, not sure if that is where God wanted us, still not sure if it is where He wants us, but the landlords have decided to offer us the apartment. Please pray for us as we seek God's wisdom in this decision!!!!!!!!!
At some point, when I cease to be tired, and I have time to seriously sit down and do this, I am going to put a whole post about my "Truffle Dips". I created them from a suggestion, people have raved about them, and I decided to try and market them. They are a lot of work, but totally worth it. They are heavenly good!!!!! And yesterday, because of a really good friend, I sold 36 of them!!!!!! That is such a big praise. I will totally jump on any chance to make any extra money possible. So exciting!!!!!!
This brings me to something else that I am thankful for. Great and Awesome friends. God provides them in the strangest places, and sometimes in people that we never thought possible to be friends with, and God uses them to bless and encourage us. God has used my best friend Katherine to be such a blessing to me. I love how we can be miles and miles apart, go without seeing each other for almost a year, and still be able to be blessed by one another. Her radiating Christ in everything she does is such an encouragement to me. Thank you Lord for such a good friend. Her mother is such a blessing as well. She cares so much about everything and I know that she prays for me every day. Such little things like that, touch my heart so much!!!!!!
Oh! And before I forget. Another praise. We looked at an apartment several weeks ago, not sure if that is where God wanted us, still not sure if it is where He wants us, but the landlords have decided to offer us the apartment. Please pray for us as we seek God's wisdom in this decision!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Life.....Just Life
There seems to be no better fitting title for this post than just life. Nothing extremely exciting has happened, and nothing too horrible has happened either. God continues to teach us so much as we're living in this interesting situation, and He continues to bring blessing after blessing into our lives. We just have to learn to step back and realize we're being blessed.
One of the biggest blessings that have happened this summer is my getting my old job back at the farmer's market. I loved working at Anderson's Farm Market, and when we moved back into the area I wanted to pursue working there again. However, just from suggestions from my family, and God's holding me back, I never pursued that dream of mine. Then one day my boss, Bill, approached me and asked me if I would be interested in working at the market again. Praise the Lord!!!!! Now I have been working at the market again for about a month, getting steadily 40+ hours a week. Praise the Lord!!!!! He has just allowed me to be working there again, at a much closer location, with good pay. I still do work at Wegman's on Sundays, sometimes not the greatest hours, but it's another job that the Lord has provided and I hate to give it up. I would say my biggest struggle these days is the fact that I don't have a day off, I work every day of the week, and I am tired. But I am learning to be productive in the hours that I am not working, and God is slowly teaching me to be a clean housewife. ;)
Derek has received some blessings in the work area as well since we moved up to New York. This has been so hard for him, living with my parents, not much privacy, and his searching constantly for full-time employment. For the longest time he didn't have any luck at all. Then he finally got an interview with Borg Warner, and then we started waiting again. When we finally did hear from them it was that Derek got hired!!!!! But....waiting again, there weren't any job openings for him yet, so we had to wait until there was one. But meanwhile, in the Wegman's area, Derek was able to transfer departments. Now he is working in the Dairy department, and they are giving him a consistent 30 hours a week which is something he wasn't getting before. Praise the Lord!!!!! And some days, they are so understaffed in Dairy, Derek gets to stay late to help them catch up. So with his working 30+ hours a week, and my working close to 50, we don't really get to see each other much. Something else I'm learning, to appreciate and cherish the times that we do have together.
Praise the Lord!!!! Derek was able to get a new car. He is so excited, today was his first day of getting to drive it around and he loves it! The man is soooo excited!!!!!! It is such a praise though, that we were able to find a car for the right price, and one that made my husband happy!
We are praying about an apartment right now. We have been looking around, and we went and looked at one a week or so ago, and we have been praying about this apartment, because it is looking good. Just hoping to get God's direction in this area as it is so easy to just move forward without really praying and asking for God's wisdom in this decision.
Whew!!! So much to be thankful for. It just amazes me what God has done for us, and what He continues to do for us every day. Just today He was teaching me another lesson on my attitude at work. My boss asked me to do something and before I could even think I made a noise that showed how I was not excited about doing what he asked. So then he told me to do something else and he did it instead. To my compassionate heart that is trying so hard to be liked....OUCH!!!!!! Then it got me thinking, am I not paying attention as much as I should? Am I acting as professional and grown up as I would at any other job? Am I being a good example? Then when my boss brought it up it caused me to think about it more again. I think God halted me and said, "Yo Sarah, humility?!" Yeah it's so awesome that I have this job, but I can't take it for granted. It could be taken away from me as easily as it was given to me. I need to pay more attention, and quit cutting corners just because I feel comfortable. I know I'm rambling, but this is something that happened today, and I felt the need to blog about it. God help me to stay humble and be a good example to those around me. much to think about.
One of the biggest blessings that have happened this summer is my getting my old job back at the farmer's market. I loved working at Anderson's Farm Market, and when we moved back into the area I wanted to pursue working there again. However, just from suggestions from my family, and God's holding me back, I never pursued that dream of mine. Then one day my boss, Bill, approached me and asked me if I would be interested in working at the market again. Praise the Lord!!!!! Now I have been working at the market again for about a month, getting steadily 40+ hours a week. Praise the Lord!!!!! He has just allowed me to be working there again, at a much closer location, with good pay. I still do work at Wegman's on Sundays, sometimes not the greatest hours, but it's another job that the Lord has provided and I hate to give it up. I would say my biggest struggle these days is the fact that I don't have a day off, I work every day of the week, and I am tired. But I am learning to be productive in the hours that I am not working, and God is slowly teaching me to be a clean housewife. ;)
Derek has received some blessings in the work area as well since we moved up to New York. This has been so hard for him, living with my parents, not much privacy, and his searching constantly for full-time employment. For the longest time he didn't have any luck at all. Then he finally got an interview with Borg Warner, and then we started waiting again. When we finally did hear from them it was that Derek got hired!!!!! But....waiting again, there weren't any job openings for him yet, so we had to wait until there was one. But meanwhile, in the Wegman's area, Derek was able to transfer departments. Now he is working in the Dairy department, and they are giving him a consistent 30 hours a week which is something he wasn't getting before. Praise the Lord!!!!! And some days, they are so understaffed in Dairy, Derek gets to stay late to help them catch up. So with his working 30+ hours a week, and my working close to 50, we don't really get to see each other much. Something else I'm learning, to appreciate and cherish the times that we do have together.
Praise the Lord!!!! Derek was able to get a new car. He is so excited, today was his first day of getting to drive it around and he loves it! The man is soooo excited!!!!!! It is such a praise though, that we were able to find a car for the right price, and one that made my husband happy!
We are praying about an apartment right now. We have been looking around, and we went and looked at one a week or so ago, and we have been praying about this apartment, because it is looking good. Just hoping to get God's direction in this area as it is so easy to just move forward without really praying and asking for God's wisdom in this decision.
Whew!!! So much to be thankful for. It just amazes me what God has done for us, and what He continues to do for us every day. Just today He was teaching me another lesson on my attitude at work. My boss asked me to do something and before I could even think I made a noise that showed how I was not excited about doing what he asked. So then he told me to do something else and he did it instead. To my compassionate heart that is trying so hard to be liked....OUCH!!!!!! Then it got me thinking, am I not paying attention as much as I should? Am I acting as professional and grown up as I would at any other job? Am I being a good example? Then when my boss brought it up it caused me to think about it more again. I think God halted me and said, "Yo Sarah, humility?!" Yeah it's so awesome that I have this job, but I can't take it for granted. It could be taken away from me as easily as it was given to me. I need to pay more attention, and quit cutting corners just because I feel comfortable. I know I'm rambling, but this is something that happened today, and I felt the need to blog about it. God help me to stay humble and be a good example to those around me. much to think about.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Here are a few photos in celebration of my 1 year anniversary, even though it was a couple weeks ago, I though I would share some of my favorites. I have such fond memories of that day, but it also flew by way too fast. Myself and a couple of my friends have officially decided that every couple of years a bride should get to plan herself another wedding. By the fourth or fifth one we'd get pretty good at it, don't you think?
This was totally not fair of me......In conversations leading up to the wedding he had informed me that he wouldn't smash cake in my face. But what did I do? I smashed cake in his face. I have such a determined look on my face. In reality, I am not usually that mean. Maybe Derek would disagree............
This is just one of my favorites. The fact that we got to ride around downtown Homer in the back of a really old cool looking pick-up truck just made the afternoon. The whole day was fun actually. The only downside was all those bugs in my skirt.........
Sarah's Labor Day Meal
So I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I love to cook. Bake would actually be the better word, because I prefer baking, but I also love to cook. So for Labor Day Derek and I decided to have a couple friends over, and since I miss cooking for my friends so much I decided that I would do the cooking. The line-up for the meal includes......Teriyaki Steak, Country White Bread, Potato Salad, Green Beans and Oreo Truffles.
2lb boneless chuck steak marinated in:
1/2 cup soy sauce 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar 1 clove garlic minced
2 Tbsp brown sugar 1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 Tbsp minced onion
This marinated all day then I broiled in the oven until cooked to taste.
I am so lucky to have received a bread machine when i got married. It has made my life so much easier. I greatly enjoy the ability to just throw the ingredients into the machine and walk away.
7-9 ounces milk 1 large egg
1 1/2 Tbsp butter 4 cups bread flour
3 Tbsp sugar 2 tsp active dry yeast
These ingredients I threw into my bread machine on the dough setting. When the timer beeped I threw the dough into a loaf pan, allowed to rise again for about a half-hour, then threw into the oven at 350 for 28 minutes.
The potato salad is my mother's area of expertise, and I let her make it today just because she makes it better than I do. It includes a yummy assortment of potatoes, hardboiled egg, pickles, bacon and mayonnaise mixed in with it to create a scrumptuous salad.

2lb boneless chuck steak marinated in:
1/2 cup soy sauce 1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1/4 cup cider vinegar 1 clove garlic minced
2 Tbsp brown sugar 1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 Tbsp minced onion
This marinated all day then I broiled in the oven until cooked to taste.
I am so lucky to have received a bread machine when i got married. It has made my life so much easier. I greatly enjoy the ability to just throw the ingredients into the machine and walk away.
7-9 ounces milk 1 large egg
1 1/2 Tbsp butter 4 cups bread flour
3 Tbsp sugar 2 tsp active dry yeast
These ingredients I threw into my bread machine on the dough setting. When the timer beeped I threw the dough into a loaf pan, allowed to rise again for about a half-hour, then threw into the oven at 350 for 28 minutes.
The potato salad is my mother's area of expertise, and I let her make it today just because she makes it better than I do. It includes a yummy assortment of potatoes, hardboiled egg, pickles, bacon and mayonnaise mixed in with it to create a scrumptuous salad.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Relationships and Life
Living with my parents again has been an interesting experience. At first I thought that it wasn't going to be any big deal, we're just living with my parents right? It took me awhile to figure out what this experience was doing to my relationship with my husband. I hadn't realized that God built men to feel a need to provide for their families. This was exactly what Derek was feeling, but I didn't understand. God has been using this time to teach me about my husband, and to teach me that my marriage isn't all about me. (Funny thought right?!) After I took the time to set aside my selfish feelings and learn about his feelings....I feel like I understand him a little bit better. (Another funny thought.)
Now that this situation may be coming to an end soon, I have been thinking back about what this situation has taught me.
Now as an update, Derek had an interview just a couple of weeks ago and we have been waiting yet again to find out if he got the job. This is a full-time position, which would obviously provide us with more money to pay our bills. As a huge praise, God has presented me with a job that is helping to add a little extra money to our bank account each week, and is much closer so it doesn't require me driving an hour to get to work. God really does know what needs that we have, and how to provide for them. I have also learned the difference between things I want, and things I need. For instance....right now, I want my own kitchen, but I don't need my own kitchen.
I have decided though, that once I do have my own kitchen again...I will greatly appreciate it. =)
Now that this situation may be coming to an end soon, I have been thinking back about what this situation has taught me.
Now as an update, Derek had an interview just a couple of weeks ago and we have been waiting yet again to find out if he got the job. This is a full-time position, which would obviously provide us with more money to pay our bills. As a huge praise, God has presented me with a job that is helping to add a little extra money to our bank account each week, and is much closer so it doesn't require me driving an hour to get to work. God really does know what needs that we have, and how to provide for them. I have also learned the difference between things I want, and things I need. For instance....right now, I want my own kitchen, but I don't need my own kitchen.
I have decided though, that once I do have my own kitchen again...I will greatly appreciate it. =)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Learning to Wait....
Gosh, it has been forever since I have written here. So much has happened. First on May 28th we moved in with my parents to start looking for full-time work in the area, and to hopefully save some money to get back up on our feet before getting a house or apartment.
Well, It is now July 6th, and we seem to be nowhere in the job situation. It took two weeks after we moved in for Wegmans to complete our transfer, so we spent two very long weeks without work. We were applying everywhere, only to be turned down, or just not answered.
The week work started at Wegmans life just became extremely busy. Sure they were only giving each of us about 16 hours a week, but it's an hour drive to Wegmans in Ithaca, so most of our days that we worked were spent at Wegmans.
We also were able to travel to Frederick, Maryland to help open a brand new Wegmans there. They paid for our gas, travel time, put us up in a hotel, and paid us to work 81/2 hours a day. That week was awesome. It was just nice to get away, be alone, and go out to eat every night.
Derek has interviewed for several jobs, and then not gotten any further. Currently he is still waiting on one job which he knows he is getting an interview, it is just a matter of when. I thankfully, after not getting very far with one job, have a second part-time job lined up. Hopefully things will work out with that.
As far as normal life goes, I would have to say that spirits are down. Staying in my brother's bedroom, not having any time or space to ourselves, makes for small tempers as well. I think we have fought more since moving in with my parents than the whole time of our married life up to this point. Sigh.....ah to be grown up.
I did however get the chance to read a great chapter in a book about learning to wait, and how to wait the right way. I had to laugh when I read it cause, all I can think about is that we're stuck here in my parents house, waiting for God to provide us with full-time work, when it seems like we've been turned down at every place we've looked, and God still wants me to praise Him. That is the furthest thing from my mind right now! Being focused on worshipping Him, finding ways to serve Him, when all I can think about is my problems and how my life is screwed over. Maybe God is just trying to teach me, that in the midst of my adversaries, i need to be content, and fully focused on Him. Still a totally far ways away from that, but learning to wait.
Well, It is now July 6th, and we seem to be nowhere in the job situation. It took two weeks after we moved in for Wegmans to complete our transfer, so we spent two very long weeks without work. We were applying everywhere, only to be turned down, or just not answered.
The week work started at Wegmans life just became extremely busy. Sure they were only giving each of us about 16 hours a week, but it's an hour drive to Wegmans in Ithaca, so most of our days that we worked were spent at Wegmans.
We also were able to travel to Frederick, Maryland to help open a brand new Wegmans there. They paid for our gas, travel time, put us up in a hotel, and paid us to work 81/2 hours a day. That week was awesome. It was just nice to get away, be alone, and go out to eat every night.
Derek has interviewed for several jobs, and then not gotten any further. Currently he is still waiting on one job which he knows he is getting an interview, it is just a matter of when. I thankfully, after not getting very far with one job, have a second part-time job lined up. Hopefully things will work out with that.
As far as normal life goes, I would have to say that spirits are down. Staying in my brother's bedroom, not having any time or space to ourselves, makes for small tempers as well. I think we have fought more since moving in with my parents than the whole time of our married life up to this point. Sigh.....ah to be grown up.
I did however get the chance to read a great chapter in a book about learning to wait, and how to wait the right way. I had to laugh when I read it cause, all I can think about is that we're stuck here in my parents house, waiting for God to provide us with full-time work, when it seems like we've been turned down at every place we've looked, and God still wants me to praise Him. That is the furthest thing from my mind right now! Being focused on worshipping Him, finding ways to serve Him, when all I can think about is my problems and how my life is screwed over. Maybe God is just trying to teach me, that in the midst of my adversaries, i need to be content, and fully focused on Him. Still a totally far ways away from that, but learning to wait.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Carrot Bread with Cream Cheese Icing
2 Cups Flour
2/3 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 tsp. Salt
2 Cups Shredded Carrots
2 Beaten Eggs
2/3 Cup Milk
1/3 Cup Canola Oil
Grease 1 8x4x2 loaf pan, or 3 4 3/4x2 1/2x2 pans; set aside. In a bowl stir together flour, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl combine carrots, eggs, milk and oil; add to dry ingredients, stirring until just moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan(s). Bake for 55-60 minutes for large loaf pan, or 30-35 minutes for small loaf pans. Check 10-15 minutes before time is up and if browning to quickly place foil over the top. Remove from oven and let cool. When completely cooled cover with Cream Cheese Icing.
Cream Cheese Icing
Whisk together 2 oz cream cheese, 3/4 cup powdered sugar and 3-4 tsp. milk until smooth and glaze like. Drizzle over the top of Carrot Bread.
2/3 Cup Packed Brown Sugar
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Baking Soda
1/4 tsp. Salt
2 Cups Shredded Carrots
2 Beaten Eggs
2/3 Cup Milk
1/3 Cup Canola Oil
Grease 1 8x4x2 loaf pan, or 3 4 3/4x2 1/2x2 pans; set aside. In a bowl stir together flour, brown sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl combine carrots, eggs, milk and oil; add to dry ingredients, stirring until just moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan(s). Bake for 55-60 minutes for large loaf pan, or 30-35 minutes for small loaf pans. Check 10-15 minutes before time is up and if browning to quickly place foil over the top. Remove from oven and let cool. When completely cooled cover with Cream Cheese Icing.
Cream Cheese Icing
Whisk together 2 oz cream cheese, 3/4 cup powdered sugar and 3-4 tsp. milk until smooth and glaze like. Drizzle over the top of Carrot Bread.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dreams and Wishes
I have been eying some of my friends blogs....and I'm wishing that I knew how to do some of the really cool stuff that they have on theirs. When I get more time I'd love to start uploading recipes and possibly my attempts at other exciting things. Now my computer is giving me trouble....and I should pack so This is gonna be my last post for today I think. Picture is of my kitty babies.
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part Two ~ All That Is Good
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part Two ~ All That Is Good
Here is the second part to the link, and thanks to Trina for her awesome blog. I love reading up on her sewing and cooking posts.
Here is the second part to the link, and thanks to Trina for her awesome blog. I love reading up on her sewing and cooking posts.
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part One ~ All That Is Good
In my attempt at modesty, I have constantly struggled with a cami that I felt covered me in a modest way, and also didn't ride up to way past my bellybutton. Here is a link to a blog with an awesome sewing tutorial. I know as soon as I have the time I will be trying this one out.
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part One ~ All That Is Good
The Cover-Me-Pretty Cami, Part One ~ All That Is Good
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Life is moving quickly...
So many things have happened in the last month especially. I can't believe that just under a month ago Derek and I decided that we were going to move back to NY. We had decided that we were going to move, regardless of whether or not Derek got the job at the Ithaca Wegmans that he had applied for. So we turned in our thirty days notice for our apartment at the beginning of May, and have been working with Wegmans to get our employment status switched to hopefully the Ithaca Wegmans. We found out shortly after that, that Derek did not get the job that he had applied for at the Ithaca Wegmans. That was a hard day. But he shortly afterwards applied for another job in NY, and we are waiting on that job now. The whole goal is for Derek to get a full time job.
So in the period of time between then and now.....some other exciting things have happened. I graduated with an associates degree from Baptist Bible College. It was fun. I may eventually go back and get my bachelors degree from someplace...but for now I AM DONE!!!!!
And now we have set our moving out date for May is a Saturday. BTW....if any of you live in the area and want to come over and help us would be greatly appreciated! So right now there are about a dozen boxes strewn around the apartment and there is newspaper sitting in piles in random places as well. Sounds like fun huh?! I personally wish I could just pack it all up now....I hate doing things little at a time, so that means I hate only being able to pack a couple of boxes every few days. But Wegmans has been great. They are the ones that have been supplying us with boxes and paper....and the best news of all, Wegmans is giving Derek and I a wonderful opportunity. June 21-24 we are going to a Grand Opening of Wegmans in Maryland. Wegmans is paying for our gas down and back, putting us up in a hotel, and they are giving us a stipend for food as well. Plus, Ive heard we will get ridiculous hours for those four days, and they may possibly want us to stay longer. So that is awesome cause we're gonna make lots of money!!!!!
I am just so excited about the opportunities that God has brought our way, and that God will continue to bring our way. So exciting.
And with my parents will be relaxing and we will be able to save up a good amount of money...and that God would provide for us a place to live. But so far....He has been soooo good to us!
So in the period of time between then and now.....some other exciting things have happened. I graduated with an associates degree from Baptist Bible College. It was fun. I may eventually go back and get my bachelors degree from someplace...but for now I AM DONE!!!!!
And now we have set our moving out date for May is a Saturday. BTW....if any of you live in the area and want to come over and help us would be greatly appreciated! So right now there are about a dozen boxes strewn around the apartment and there is newspaper sitting in piles in random places as well. Sounds like fun huh?! I personally wish I could just pack it all up now....I hate doing things little at a time, so that means I hate only being able to pack a couple of boxes every few days. But Wegmans has been great. They are the ones that have been supplying us with boxes and paper....and the best news of all, Wegmans is giving Derek and I a wonderful opportunity. June 21-24 we are going to a Grand Opening of Wegmans in Maryland. Wegmans is paying for our gas down and back, putting us up in a hotel, and they are giving us a stipend for food as well. Plus, Ive heard we will get ridiculous hours for those four days, and they may possibly want us to stay longer. So that is awesome cause we're gonna make lots of money!!!!!
I am just so excited about the opportunities that God has brought our way, and that God will continue to bring our way. So exciting.
And with my parents will be relaxing and we will be able to save up a good amount of money...and that God would provide for us a place to live. But so far....He has been soooo good to us!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
So the apartment is going to start looking like a whirlwind shortly. I have exactly until May 31st to get our whole apartment packed we can move. Nothing like stress huh?!
But on a good note, I finished my final for my one class today. Now I just have to graduate on Saturday and I'm officially done. Yippee!
As for the rest of the updating.....we are going to be living with my parents for awhile....and undetermined amount of time right now. But probably and as my husband says, hopefully, no longer than two months. I will enjoy that, not having to worry about the cleanliness of the whole house for once. (Listen to me...not even married a year and complaining about housework....ouch)
Well...I will update more later. I am headed to Wegmans to buy packing tape and markers........wish me luck!
But on a good note, I finished my final for my one class today. Now I just have to graduate on Saturday and I'm officially done. Yippee!
As for the rest of the updating.....we are going to be living with my parents for awhile....and undetermined amount of time right now. But probably and as my husband says, hopefully, no longer than two months. I will enjoy that, not having to worry about the cleanliness of the whole house for once. (Listen to me...not even married a year and complaining about housework....ouch)
Well...I will update more later. I am headed to Wegmans to buy packing tape and markers........wish me luck!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Work Today
So for fun today...I helped a guy with beer tasting at official job was to card people. Now you'd think that people would understand. Corporate Wegmans policy being what it is, I will lose my job if I don't card everyone. But still most people were surprised...I got some who were flattered that I carded them....some said I made their day, but others were absolutely disgusted that I had to card them. Oh well....all in a days work. ;)
Now to enjoy dominoes for dinner
Now to enjoy dominoes for dinner
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Our Love Story
So I decided that it was time to put on the story how Derek and I met onto my blog.
This story actually starts about a month before I officially met Derek. I was a brand new freshman at Baptist Bible College. I was just settling in, just getting to know my roommate, and making several new friends. There were guys all over campus that were attractive to me, several that I had crushes on, but to be completely honest, Derek was not one of those guys. In fact I did see him hanging around campus, but he was to me, just this big guy with a beard who was loud. Which hit two of the things that I swore would never be traits of the man I married. I swore he would never have a beard cause they're so scratchy, and he wasn't going to be loud or ever embarrass me, which were obviously traits of this guy.
I had decided before going to BBC, that finding a husband was not going to be my first priority there. I was going to concentrate on school, and if God decided to bring that lucky guy my way, then so be it, but I wasn't going to go looking. My plan worked very well the first month of school. I didn't go looking, although I did see several attractive guys. But then I started noticing how everybody seemed to be dating or with somebody else, and I spent several nights praying that I would be able to concentrate on school, and that God would take away my desire for love and a boyfriend away until he was going to give me my desires.
Shortly after that, me and a new friend were hanging out at the Underground when this guy came up and started chatting with us. I had my laptop with me, I think I was doing homework or facebook or something, cause I wasn't a huge part of the conversation. The only things I remember was hearing him talk about his ex-girlfriend whom according to him he treated like an angel. Then as my friend and I left the underground I remember talking to her about how if he was our boyfriend, we would've never let him go.
So like every new relationship with anyone, boy or girl at BBC, we facebook friended him and after that we hung out with him, my friend and I did almost every night. As a freshman I was a smart student...did all my homework in the afternoon and therefore had my evenings free. So my friend and I hung out with Derek every night. Most of the time together.
However it shortly became a routine for Derek and I to talk for an hour or so every night on facebook. Then because facebook chat is horrible, we eventually moved to Aim. But as all things go, my friend and I both started to like Derek. And as two girls liking one guy friend got jealous. She started to accuse me of butting into conversations with her and him when I never did it intentionally. One night we finally rose to a climax with us girls arguing, her saying that she felt like I was hurting her chances with Derek, and I was saying, I had no idea I was doing anything wrong. So I told her, fine, if this is the way you feel, I'm backing off. Then I went to my room, and instead of chatting with Derek, I went to bed. And as I lay in bed waiting for sleep to come, I asked God to remove the feelings that I had for Derek, and for me to be able to just treat him as a friend.
The next morning I didn't see my friend until right before chapel. She came into my room as I was cleaning it up for chapel checks. She then proceeded to tell me that she had talked with Derek the night before after I had left her room. She said that he told her that he liked me and that he was praying about a relationship with me. I could almost not contain myself.
Things after that kinda blur together, but I know Derek and I had a conversation mid September about starting a relationship and we decided that we wanted to get to know eachother better first before we started dating. Then on October 14th we met with my parents, and officially started dating. That is when it became tradition to sit on the back patio of Jackson Hall at night...talking. I actually miss that.
This story actually starts about a month before I officially met Derek. I was a brand new freshman at Baptist Bible College. I was just settling in, just getting to know my roommate, and making several new friends. There were guys all over campus that were attractive to me, several that I had crushes on, but to be completely honest, Derek was not one of those guys. In fact I did see him hanging around campus, but he was to me, just this big guy with a beard who was loud. Which hit two of the things that I swore would never be traits of the man I married. I swore he would never have a beard cause they're so scratchy, and he wasn't going to be loud or ever embarrass me, which were obviously traits of this guy.
I had decided before going to BBC, that finding a husband was not going to be my first priority there. I was going to concentrate on school, and if God decided to bring that lucky guy my way, then so be it, but I wasn't going to go looking. My plan worked very well the first month of school. I didn't go looking, although I did see several attractive guys. But then I started noticing how everybody seemed to be dating or with somebody else, and I spent several nights praying that I would be able to concentrate on school, and that God would take away my desire for love and a boyfriend away until he was going to give me my desires.
Shortly after that, me and a new friend were hanging out at the Underground when this guy came up and started chatting with us. I had my laptop with me, I think I was doing homework or facebook or something, cause I wasn't a huge part of the conversation. The only things I remember was hearing him talk about his ex-girlfriend whom according to him he treated like an angel. Then as my friend and I left the underground I remember talking to her about how if he was our boyfriend, we would've never let him go.
So like every new relationship with anyone, boy or girl at BBC, we facebook friended him and after that we hung out with him, my friend and I did almost every night. As a freshman I was a smart student...did all my homework in the afternoon and therefore had my evenings free. So my friend and I hung out with Derek every night. Most of the time together.
However it shortly became a routine for Derek and I to talk for an hour or so every night on facebook. Then because facebook chat is horrible, we eventually moved to Aim. But as all things go, my friend and I both started to like Derek. And as two girls liking one guy friend got jealous. She started to accuse me of butting into conversations with her and him when I never did it intentionally. One night we finally rose to a climax with us girls arguing, her saying that she felt like I was hurting her chances with Derek, and I was saying, I had no idea I was doing anything wrong. So I told her, fine, if this is the way you feel, I'm backing off. Then I went to my room, and instead of chatting with Derek, I went to bed. And as I lay in bed waiting for sleep to come, I asked God to remove the feelings that I had for Derek, and for me to be able to just treat him as a friend.
The next morning I didn't see my friend until right before chapel. She came into my room as I was cleaning it up for chapel checks. She then proceeded to tell me that she had talked with Derek the night before after I had left her room. She said that he told her that he liked me and that he was praying about a relationship with me. I could almost not contain myself.
Things after that kinda blur together, but I know Derek and I had a conversation mid September about starting a relationship and we decided that we wanted to get to know eachother better first before we started dating. Then on October 14th we met with my parents, and officially started dating. That is when it became tradition to sit on the back patio of Jackson Hall at night...talking. I actually miss that.
Time to Catch Up!
Gosh it's been so long since I've written in this blog. Lots of things have happened since then. I know I swore to write in this blog every day, but life gets busy, and sometimes I get lazy and don't take the time to type. Lol.
So lets see...where shall I begin? Well, I guess I could begin with the cat and her two kittens that we rescued from underneath our apartment. The cat seemed to be malnourished, which turned out to be true. She has eaten so much food since we moved them into our bathroom. And she has also gone to the bathroom several times which smells up our bathroom so bad! The kittens are so adorable, and so curious. They are trying to explore the entire apartment when we let them out of the bathroom. Sometimes we have to rescue them from some scary situations.
We have both been praying and trying to figure out what God wants us to do within the next couple of weeks. There are several different things that could happen. Derek has been applying for several different jobs, one of which he didn't get, but he has another interview this Monday. I think, no matter how stressful and painful this has been for us to endure, that God has some lessons He is trying to teach us. The past 8 months that we have been married have been full of fun, stress and some hard lessons. Financially we have just barely made it every month. Somehow, without my knowing how it happens, we always end up having enough money to eat, pay rent, and pay for all of our other bills. Some months we didn't know how we were going to make it, and then something would happen that would allow us to. Over Christmastime there was a church that God brought into our life that blessed us beyond anything we could've imagined.
Within the next couple of weeks we have several exciting events, and some scary ones. Sunday is Easter.....and I am so excited. Not only do I have a new outfit to wear, we also invited my inlaws to come for dinner. She is bringing the ham, and I am making everything else. I am making a blueberry and an apple pie, applesauce jello, green bean casserole, and Derek is making his baked potatoes wrapped in bacon. Such a wonderful feast. I will be sure to include pictures.
The next exciting event happening in my life is graduation. I can't believe that I am actually graduating from college. I have no idea what I will do with all of my spare time. I suppose I will think of something. But at least graduating will be exciting. But I guess the bigger thing that is taking up all of our prayers recently has been whether or not we will be moving out of this apartment up to NY at the end of this month. Well, actually whether or not we give our 30 days notice at the end of this month. Which is the end of next week. Slightly scary to think about. Needing to make a pretty serious decision in a little over a week. Ah!!!!
So lets see...where shall I begin? Well, I guess I could begin with the cat and her two kittens that we rescued from underneath our apartment. The cat seemed to be malnourished, which turned out to be true. She has eaten so much food since we moved them into our bathroom. And she has also gone to the bathroom several times which smells up our bathroom so bad! The kittens are so adorable, and so curious. They are trying to explore the entire apartment when we let them out of the bathroom. Sometimes we have to rescue them from some scary situations.
We have both been praying and trying to figure out what God wants us to do within the next couple of weeks. There are several different things that could happen. Derek has been applying for several different jobs, one of which he didn't get, but he has another interview this Monday. I think, no matter how stressful and painful this has been for us to endure, that God has some lessons He is trying to teach us. The past 8 months that we have been married have been full of fun, stress and some hard lessons. Financially we have just barely made it every month. Somehow, without my knowing how it happens, we always end up having enough money to eat, pay rent, and pay for all of our other bills. Some months we didn't know how we were going to make it, and then something would happen that would allow us to. Over Christmastime there was a church that God brought into our life that blessed us beyond anything we could've imagined.
Within the next couple of weeks we have several exciting events, and some scary ones. Sunday is Easter.....and I am so excited. Not only do I have a new outfit to wear, we also invited my inlaws to come for dinner. She is bringing the ham, and I am making everything else. I am making a blueberry and an apple pie, applesauce jello, green bean casserole, and Derek is making his baked potatoes wrapped in bacon. Such a wonderful feast. I will be sure to include pictures.
The next exciting event happening in my life is graduation. I can't believe that I am actually graduating from college. I have no idea what I will do with all of my spare time. I suppose I will think of something. But at least graduating will be exciting. But I guess the bigger thing that is taking up all of our prayers recently has been whether or not we will be moving out of this apartment up to NY at the end of this month. Well, actually whether or not we give our 30 days notice at the end of this month. Which is the end of next week. Slightly scary to think about. Needing to make a pretty serious decision in a little over a week. Ah!!!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sigh......I find myself bored, so that's why I'm writing in my blog. I can't seem to shake this boredom. Trying to find something that will fill my time that I enjoy. Not that there aren't things around this house that I don't enjoy. I just can't stop this bored feeling. I still have my books to read, and I could crotchet, or something. Maybe I'm just feeling senioritis....perhaps I'm just looking for the job that I love, or I don't want to have all the emptiness of time in my life that removing school will bring. Maybe that's it.
The past couple of days, I don't really have much to report. Just the fact that I have an exam tomorrow that I'm not entirely prepared for.......been getting closer to some of the people at work...hopefully that'll continue and we can become closer friends. Who knows. Kinda have a slight headache tonight....that might be part of my problem, can't really of those headaches. Oh well. I'll just relax tonight and enjoy our shows.
The past couple of days, I don't really have much to report. Just the fact that I have an exam tomorrow that I'm not entirely prepared for.......been getting closer to some of the people at work...hopefully that'll continue and we can become closer friends. Who knows. Kinda have a slight headache tonight....that might be part of my problem, can't really of those headaches. Oh well. I'll just relax tonight and enjoy our shows.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Final Fantasy XIII
Have you ever had one of those days when you woke up and just couldn't shake the sleepiness? Today I couldn't seem to. When my alarm went off this morning I groaned cause I was warm and I didn't want to pull myself out of bed. But it was nice for an hour before I went to work to cuddle on the couch with my hubby <3. I was watching our pal Hicks play Final Fantasy XIII. It is actually interesting. I like watching my guy friends play video games. As I've said before, I think I'm pretty good at understanding video game speak by now. Ok, maybe not. Dara's and Agas still confuse me. LOL.
So today wasn't the best day at work. To start it off, it was so busy. Saturdays are always busy but today seemed to be extremely so. I don't think I had a moment to myself from the time I walked to my register. But the worst of it started when I got back after my break. The first customer I had I dropped their gallon of milk on the floor, and it split down the side and started leaking all over the floor. So they had to shut down my line so that maintenance could come and mop up my mess. After that I just kept throwing things and dropping things all the time. I didn't notice one guys coupon and it got sucked under the belt. Plus I screwed up on a couple orders and needed outside help. But, the highlight of my day was my one customer who came into my line because she said she saw that I was smiling. =)
Then I got home, and my hubby was sweet and we went out and got subs. Plus, we got this awesome movie...."Backup Plan" with Jennifer Lopez. We are going to watch it after the boys leave. Yes, I am going to subject my husband to a chick flick, but it's ok, I usually watch guy action movies. I mostly watch them playing video games.
So I discovered that I love grocery shopping. Maybe it's because I just love food. But I love to spend my money in Wegmans, buying food that we can eat. Plus, especially at a certain time of the month, I tend to enjoy sweet things a little more than usual. And I have just discovered that my new sinful passion is Peanut Butter Snickers Bars. They are so good. I can barely keep myself from buying one every time I'm in the store.
So I think I am trying to find something to do, like a hobby or something. A lot of afternoons I get bored. I just want something to occupy myself. Something to spend my time doing, something that will challenge my mind. Oh well.....crocheting didn't seem to occupy me for that long.
So today wasn't the best day at work. To start it off, it was so busy. Saturdays are always busy but today seemed to be extremely so. I don't think I had a moment to myself from the time I walked to my register. But the worst of it started when I got back after my break. The first customer I had I dropped their gallon of milk on the floor, and it split down the side and started leaking all over the floor. So they had to shut down my line so that maintenance could come and mop up my mess. After that I just kept throwing things and dropping things all the time. I didn't notice one guys coupon and it got sucked under the belt. Plus I screwed up on a couple orders and needed outside help. But, the highlight of my day was my one customer who came into my line because she said she saw that I was smiling. =)
Then I got home, and my hubby was sweet and we went out and got subs. Plus, we got this awesome movie...."Backup Plan" with Jennifer Lopez. We are going to watch it after the boys leave. Yes, I am going to subject my husband to a chick flick, but it's ok, I usually watch guy action movies. I mostly watch them playing video games.
So I discovered that I love grocery shopping. Maybe it's because I just love food. But I love to spend my money in Wegmans, buying food that we can eat. Plus, especially at a certain time of the month, I tend to enjoy sweet things a little more than usual. And I have just discovered that my new sinful passion is Peanut Butter Snickers Bars. They are so good. I can barely keep myself from buying one every time I'm in the store.
So I think I am trying to find something to do, like a hobby or something. A lot of afternoons I get bored. I just want something to occupy myself. Something to spend my time doing, something that will challenge my mind. Oh well.....crocheting didn't seem to occupy me for that long.
Friday, February 18, 2011
So I would love to have a blog that is like the movie, Julie and Julia. I would love to spend every day cooking, and then blogging about it. It would be so much fun. However I don't have enough time to spend doing that right now, so I will just blog about my life when I have the chance, and a few recipes that I enjoy making.
Homemade Meatballs
1 cup Panko Bread Crumbs 2 TBsp parsley
2 Large Eggs 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1/2 Cup Water 1 tsp Salt
1/3 Cup Romano Cheese 1/2 tsp Pepper
2 tsp Minced Garlic 1 lb Ground Beef
Add panko, eggs, water, cheese, garlic, parsley, seasoning, salt and pepper to large bowl; stir to combine. Add beef, mix until just combined. Form 3 Tbsp balls. Bake at 450 for 15-17 minutes.
So I haven't exactly made this recipe, but I have made one similar and the meatballs were extremely delicious. Plus I used a mixture of beef and sausage, which made the meatballs even more delicious. I love to cook, so making delicious things is relaxing to me. =)
So here is another recipe I tried, I didn't really like. Which was surprising to me because I love seafood generally, but this one was too rich for me.
Seafood and Cream Cheese Stuffed Shells
1 Pkg (12 oz) Jumbo Pasta Shells 1/8 tsp Pepper
2 Pkg (16 oz) Cream Cheese 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/3 Cup Mayonnaise 3 cans (18 oz) lump crabmeat
2 tsp Sugar 1/2 lb frozen cooked salad shrimp
1 1/2 tsp Lemon juice 12 Green onions finely chopped
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water. Cool to room temperature. In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese, mayo, sugar, lemon juice, pepper and cayenne. Gently stir in the crab, shrimp and onions. Stuff shells about 2 tbsp in each. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. (Better if much longer.)
The guys said it tasted much better today, so maybe if it's refrigerated a little longer, like overnight, LOL.
So I don't mind cooking, but I really love to bake, and at some point I will share some recipes for that. Unfortunately I don't have the time to bake like I would like. And all the recipes I have, boring. At least I think so.
Homemade Meatballs
1 cup Panko Bread Crumbs 2 TBsp parsley
2 Large Eggs 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
1/2 Cup Water 1 tsp Salt
1/3 Cup Romano Cheese 1/2 tsp Pepper
2 tsp Minced Garlic 1 lb Ground Beef
Add panko, eggs, water, cheese, garlic, parsley, seasoning, salt and pepper to large bowl; stir to combine. Add beef, mix until just combined. Form 3 Tbsp balls. Bake at 450 for 15-17 minutes.
So I haven't exactly made this recipe, but I have made one similar and the meatballs were extremely delicious. Plus I used a mixture of beef and sausage, which made the meatballs even more delicious. I love to cook, so making delicious things is relaxing to me. =)
So here is another recipe I tried, I didn't really like. Which was surprising to me because I love seafood generally, but this one was too rich for me.
Seafood and Cream Cheese Stuffed Shells
1 Pkg (12 oz) Jumbo Pasta Shells 1/8 tsp Pepper
2 Pkg (16 oz) Cream Cheese 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/3 Cup Mayonnaise 3 cans (18 oz) lump crabmeat
2 tsp Sugar 1/2 lb frozen cooked salad shrimp
1 1/2 tsp Lemon juice 12 Green onions finely chopped
Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and rinse in cold water. Cool to room temperature. In a large bowl, combine the cream cheese, mayo, sugar, lemon juice, pepper and cayenne. Gently stir in the crab, shrimp and onions. Stuff shells about 2 tbsp in each. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. (Better if much longer.)
The guys said it tasted much better today, so maybe if it's refrigerated a little longer, like overnight, LOL.
So I don't mind cooking, but I really love to bake, and at some point I will share some recipes for that. Unfortunately I don't have the time to bake like I would like. And all the recipes I have, boring. At least I think so.
Well, today was a good day. I actually remembered to something that needed to be done this morning. This is a good step for me, I wasn't lazy, I actually made myself get up and put the roast in the crockpot before I forgot this morning. Then I managed to get my homework done before class time, even though I didn't do that great with it. =P
I was also able to enjoy watching my favorite shows this morning with my hubby. Friday mornings are one of the few mornings that we are both able to sleep in a little later and watch "Let's Make a Deal" and "The Price is Right".
Then I went to class, which was interesting today. We have been working on resumes and everything that has to do with getting a job. The fake interviews in class were hilarious! But today we critiqued eachothers resumes and got tips from our professor as to how to make them better.
Then I went to work, and that was good. I do enjoy working, and talking to people. It is always interesting because I never talk to the same person for more than 10 minutes. I love talking to people, and my job gives me the chance to do that on a daily basis. I also was happy at work because I talked to my boss about giving him my resume and he sounded like it would be a good thing and that I'm doing a good job with it so far. That made me smile. =)
When I walked into our apartment, I was immediately in deliciousness heaven. The smell of the roast was overwhelming our small apartment, and it was just amazing! Then when I took it out it was crumbling and falling apart it was so tender. I made gravy to go along with it, and it just melted in my mouth. Derek was cramming it into his mouth so fast it tasted so good to him.
I mentioned that I love people, and I love to host people in our apartment. One of my biggest frustrations with our apartment is the fact that it is small, and I don't have that much room to host. Our dining room table is on the porch, piled with our junk that there isn't room for in our apartment. Anyways, I just love having our friends from school over to hang out, and to feed them on a regular basis. Last semester there was an even amount of girls and guys over at our apartment, but this semester there are just guys. They are so lucky....I will boast in myself in the fact that my cooking is better than campus food, and especially one friend of ours is over here almost every day. He has eaten more meals here, than he has at school. Good for him.
I guess the point of me mentioning all of that previous paragraph was just to say that I was sitting here on my couch watching the boys play Final Fantasy. I actually give myself props, I think I'm doing a really good job of trying to learn the different kinds of video games, and actually being able to keep up with them when they talk about their games. Most of the time anyway. =) But now we are watching CSI NY. I enjoy tv shows, and for christmas we got a 42" TV and a rabbit ear antennae, so we can actually pick up a few channels now. Which is amazing for us cause we get some of our favorite tv shows.
I was also able to enjoy watching my favorite shows this morning with my hubby. Friday mornings are one of the few mornings that we are both able to sleep in a little later and watch "Let's Make a Deal" and "The Price is Right".
Then I went to class, which was interesting today. We have been working on resumes and everything that has to do with getting a job. The fake interviews in class were hilarious! But today we critiqued eachothers resumes and got tips from our professor as to how to make them better.
Then I went to work, and that was good. I do enjoy working, and talking to people. It is always interesting because I never talk to the same person for more than 10 minutes. I love talking to people, and my job gives me the chance to do that on a daily basis. I also was happy at work because I talked to my boss about giving him my resume and he sounded like it would be a good thing and that I'm doing a good job with it so far. That made me smile. =)
When I walked into our apartment, I was immediately in deliciousness heaven. The smell of the roast was overwhelming our small apartment, and it was just amazing! Then when I took it out it was crumbling and falling apart it was so tender. I made gravy to go along with it, and it just melted in my mouth. Derek was cramming it into his mouth so fast it tasted so good to him.
I mentioned that I love people, and I love to host people in our apartment. One of my biggest frustrations with our apartment is the fact that it is small, and I don't have that much room to host. Our dining room table is on the porch, piled with our junk that there isn't room for in our apartment. Anyways, I just love having our friends from school over to hang out, and to feed them on a regular basis. Last semester there was an even amount of girls and guys over at our apartment, but this semester there are just guys. They are so lucky....I will boast in myself in the fact that my cooking is better than campus food, and especially one friend of ours is over here almost every day. He has eaten more meals here, than he has at school. Good for him.
I guess the point of me mentioning all of that previous paragraph was just to say that I was sitting here on my couch watching the boys play Final Fantasy. I actually give myself props, I think I'm doing a really good job of trying to learn the different kinds of video games, and actually being able to keep up with them when they talk about their games. Most of the time anyway. =) But now we are watching CSI NY. I enjoy tv shows, and for christmas we got a 42" TV and a rabbit ear antennae, so we can actually pick up a few channels now. Which is amazing for us cause we get some of our favorite tv shows.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
This Week
Valentines Day and our 6 month anniversary!!!!!
Didn't really do anything exciting. Went to class and then worked. Derek and I watched tv.
Spent the entire day doing homework, laundry and cleaning. Was so tired.
Did school, went to work.
Making a new recipe for supper. If good, will upload. If not........
Went to Social Security today and changed my last name.
Couple guy friends are over for supper......
Valentines Day and our 6 month anniversary!!!!!
Didn't really do anything exciting. Went to class and then worked. Derek and I watched tv.
Spent the entire day doing homework, laundry and cleaning. Was so tired.
Did school, went to work.
Making a new recipe for supper. If good, will upload. If not........
Went to Social Security today and changed my last name.
Couple guy friends are over for supper......
Me Part 1
This is like my third try at blogging, and hopefully I'll be better at it this time. I want to use these posts to let you know who I am, and to update you on what is happening in my life.
So my name is Sarah Elizabeth, and I am 21 years old. I got married to my soulmate on August 14th, 2010. Just this past Monday we celebrated being married for 6 months. I know, we are so ridiculous, we celebrated 6 months....give us a break, like I said, only been married for 6 months. My husband's name is Derek, and he loves video games, right now he is playing through a particular game that is of no interest to me, but he seems to love. lol. He also has a passion for God that is amazing. Yes, he is far from perfect, and in no way does he always live his life for Christ, but his passion was what attracted me to him in the first place. Eventually I'll tell how we met, but I want to finish me first. Derek is currently working his way through seminary, he wants to be a pastor.
Anyways, right now I am a Senior at Baptist Bible College. I will graduate in May with an Associates of Arts degree in Office Professionals. To be quite honest, sometimes I think that maybe that isn't what I really want to do for the rest of my life, but it is a marketable skill, and I don't mind it. I do currently have a job, and I work about 20-25 hours a week.
Right now, I'm trying to grow up. Yes I know, I really should have paid so much more attention to my mother growing up. Everything she tried to teach me, I can now see why. First, I am a lazy person. Not really that driven. So I dislike getting up off the couch to go to work. Once I get my lazy butt off the couch and I happen to get to work, I love it. It's just the process that I don't particularly enjoy. I personally can't wait until I have a reason to not work, and can just be home all the time. That probably won't happen for awhile. So right now I'm having to suck it up and get up off the couch with a good attitude and go to work.
Secondly, as I said before, I am a lazy person, and I tend to be a little messy. So does my husband. So if I don't stay right on top of things, after a month, our house is buried under several layers of dirty clothes, dishes and clutter. "Honey, what smells?" "I don't know dear, but we should probably clean up and find out." Yes sadly, that is an actual conversation that we have had. So the fact that today I couldn't find our marriage license to take to the Social Security office to change my last name, kinda makes me want to stay on top of things a little more.
This is like my third try at blogging, and hopefully I'll be better at it this time. I want to use these posts to let you know who I am, and to update you on what is happening in my life.
So my name is Sarah Elizabeth, and I am 21 years old. I got married to my soulmate on August 14th, 2010. Just this past Monday we celebrated being married for 6 months. I know, we are so ridiculous, we celebrated 6 months....give us a break, like I said, only been married for 6 months. My husband's name is Derek, and he loves video games, right now he is playing through a particular game that is of no interest to me, but he seems to love. lol. He also has a passion for God that is amazing. Yes, he is far from perfect, and in no way does he always live his life for Christ, but his passion was what attracted me to him in the first place. Eventually I'll tell how we met, but I want to finish me first. Derek is currently working his way through seminary, he wants to be a pastor.
Anyways, right now I am a Senior at Baptist Bible College. I will graduate in May with an Associates of Arts degree in Office Professionals. To be quite honest, sometimes I think that maybe that isn't what I really want to do for the rest of my life, but it is a marketable skill, and I don't mind it. I do currently have a job, and I work about 20-25 hours a week.
Right now, I'm trying to grow up. Yes I know, I really should have paid so much more attention to my mother growing up. Everything she tried to teach me, I can now see why. First, I am a lazy person. Not really that driven. So I dislike getting up off the couch to go to work. Once I get my lazy butt off the couch and I happen to get to work, I love it. It's just the process that I don't particularly enjoy. I personally can't wait until I have a reason to not work, and can just be home all the time. That probably won't happen for awhile. So right now I'm having to suck it up and get up off the couch with a good attitude and go to work.
Secondly, as I said before, I am a lazy person, and I tend to be a little messy. So does my husband. So if I don't stay right on top of things, after a month, our house is buried under several layers of dirty clothes, dishes and clutter. "Honey, what smells?" "I don't know dear, but we should probably clean up and find out." Yes sadly, that is an actual conversation that we have had. So the fact that today I couldn't find our marriage license to take to the Social Security office to change my last name, kinda makes me want to stay on top of things a little more.
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